Blue mood...

Sometimes a person feel sad,down and the only thing reasonable to do is to disapear.Today is one of those days.Well,i guess it's easy to notice it:i'm writing in english.
Lately my spirit hasn't been the same. I don't know why,but i can feel it.I can feel that almost everything anoys me.And this is not one of those crappy days everybody has.No.This is different.
Maybe i'm feeling too much pressure over me,over my shoulders.Funny thing this we call pressure.Can't really define it,but it can be a pretty good pain in the ass sometimes.Guess this is one of those times.
But i've already felt pressured.What's changed now?Don't know.Wish i knew...
And this is all just bla bla bla.Just a few words to let you know that i'm in a blue mood moment.Sad isn't?A guy like me?But it's life...
Hope to get better soon.Real soon.After all...this blue moods don't last they?
Bebe Windo espero que não seja eu a causadora dessa tristeza, mas se for conto contigo para me dizeres onde estou a falhar e tudo farei para te ver bem e feliz. Amo-te Muito e fiz, faço e farei o que for preciso para te ver com esse sorriso lindo e transparente que tanto adoro. Um beijo grande da tua bebe que te ama mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt ;)
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