Step by step...

Today i'm gonna post in English. It's another way to express myself and it's something i don't do everyday.
Today's post is related to the fact that everything in life has a timing, a proper timing and no matter what you do or how you do it, these timing can´t be changed. And as far as i'm concerned this is a dogma, a real truth. And why am i bringing this subject to discussion? That's easy. Just because we've been having projects that are coming to an end (as a conclusion) and some others that are just about to be concluded, which gives me a tremendous joy and sense of "job well done".
Have you ever wondered why things are the way they are? Why sometimes the Universe seems to be conspiring against us just because we are in too much of a hurry, not being able to understand that our will isn't powerfull enough to get things done? Yeah, everybody has gone through that, hã?
And in the end, the outcomes amazes us and all the rough time is forgotten...'Cause that's what life is all about: letting go the gosts of the past to enjoy the goods of the future. And life, my friends, life was made to be lived step by step...
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