Monday, October 13, 2008

Is war they want? So war they'll get...

It seems inevitable…

All of the sudden everyone wants a piece of me…and not in the good way, if you know what I mean…

I simply don’t understand why people insist in making it harder and harder to me. Is it pleasurable to them? Do they get satisfaction by making my life some kind of living hell? Especially those who’d been helped by me throughout these years…I don’t know…I really don’t know what happened…

But one thing is for sure: they’ll have to put up with me…until the end, ‘cause I won’t stand still and watch them play with my life...and it won’t go their way…You can count on that…

As Che Guevara used to say: I’d rather die on feet than live a whole life chained on my knees!

Until there…war is declared…and (hopefully) I shall be declared winner…

After all, life isn’t worth living without fight, is it?

* and I will finish this…


Blogger Mónica said...

Bem pelo que vejo a tua guerra é constante e os teus 'inimigos' continuam a tentar o prazer de te ver sofrer...
Mas sabes uma coisa??? Tu és mais forte que qualquer um deles... A sua existência resume-se apenas a isso mesmo: lutar contra ti, por isso têm uma existência triste e solitária!

Nunca desistas nem deixes de ser como és... Vales pelo que vales e quem não gostar que se lixe com F...

5:36 PM  

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